What Is A Macronutrition And How Does It Relate To Everyday Caloric Needs?
From the examples of statements and the above question is very clear that so far there are still many friends who are still confused what the concept of calories and how the relationship of calories to the diet program.
Before we discuss the explanation of macronutrition, I want a little bit of calorie problems. Why? because in regulating a diet program is nothing but regulating the needs of macronutrients and calories as well. And in addition to containing a number of nutrients, in each food also produces calories / energy for the body.
What is Calories?
On Wikipedia alone calories in general means an estimate of the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at the pressure of one atmosphere.
But when it comes to diet and fitness science, calories are the body's energy needs derived from the foods and drinks we consume, as well as the amount of energy released by the body to perform its vital functions, as well as the energy necessary to perform daily activities . Simply, calories are the units of energy (which enter and exit our body).
In addition to paying attention to the number of calories, other important things that we also need to consider when consuming food or when setting the diet program is the content of nutrition. Every food we eat must contain some nutrients. Nutrition or nutrition is simply the substance needed by the body to grow, survive, repair and other important functions. The body can only recycle but can not produce nutrients so it must be obtained through food and drink.
Food refers to everything that can be eaten, while nutrition is a substance contained in food. This means that in every different food source, has different nutritional content. And nutrition in general is classified into two, namely macronutrition and micronutrients.
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What is Macronutrition?
When talking about makronutrisi this refers to three things namely, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, each of which has its own function and role in the body. In general, makronutrisi is a source of energy to maintain survival, as a builder substance, energy substances and regulating substances, because it is needed by the body in a large quantity hence called the "macro" nutrients.
In a diet program, if the energy / calorie balance determines whether the weight will increase or decrease, then the macronutrient determines whether the changes that occur are muscle or fat mass.
Carbohydrates / Carbohydrates or abbreviated Carbs / Karbo, is one of the macronutrients which is a compound that energizes the body in the form of calories. Foods containing carbohydrates are digested into glucose, which is then used and stored in the body in the form of glycogen. In every gram of carbohydrates it produces 4 calories.
Every cell in our body needs energy to perform normal body functions, and carbohydrates supply the type of sugar into the body that is used as the main energy source. About half (or more) of daily calories, should come from carbohydrates.
Our body is also capable of producing energy from protein and fat, but carbohydrates are considered the best source of energy, because it is easy and fast to be used by the body. In addition carbohydrates are also a major food for brain cells and nervous system.
There are two main types of carbohydrates: complex and simple. Complex carbohydrates have complex chemical structures that are digested for longer. Complex carbohydrates are considered better because they contain other nutrients, such as dietary fiber, which are important for the body. While simple carbohydrates are digested and absorbed by the body easily and quickly. Both can be assessed from a glycemic index score (IG) or a measure of body speed of processing carbohydrates into sugars by the digestive system.
Carbohydrate Function
- Is the main energy source, or play a role zebagai energy substances in the body.
- Maintain blood sugar levels.
- Saver protein function, when energy is fulfilled by carbohydrates, then the protein will be saved according to its main function that is for the growth and repair of damaged tissue.
- As a backup muscle.
- Helps the release of feces, carbohydrates in the form of fibers play a role in forming the texture of the feces is more soft and easy to remove.
- Stress blockers, carbohydrates can withstand cortisol (a stress hormone).
Carbohydrate Sources
As an Indonesian, it is not difficult to find a source of carbohydrates, whether simple carbohydrates or complex carbohydrates. In general, the source of carbohydrates can be grouped into three, the source of carbohydrates that contain fiber, starch or starchy, and sugar.Consume carbohydrate deficiency.
Not having a consistent amount of carbohydrates can be a risk factor for diabetes, it's just like playing with blood sugar.
Because carbohydrates are a source of energy for the brain and body, then the shortage of carbohydrates in the long term will result in damage to organ function. Less consume kabohidrat you can be sure you will feel weak all day.
What if the excess consumes carbohydrates?
Because carbohydrates are also a source of calories, then the impact is obvious. The more you consume carbohydrates in the long run, the greater your chances of gaining weight. As well as other more specific issues such as excess fiber and sugar.
Then how much should we consume carbohydrates in a day?
The more active a person would be the more energy needed, meaning it needs to consume more carbohydrates. Examples include someone who is active in sports, hardworking, and like endurance or endurance sports activists.
Is the most important substance for all living things, is an important component of every cell in the body, one fifth of the human body is made of protein. Half is in the muscle, while the rest is in bone, skin, hair, nails. Our bodies use proteins to build and repair tissues. Our bodies also use proteins to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.
The quality of a protein source is determined by the value of BV (Biological value), ie the completeness of its amino acid content. In every one gram of protein contains 4 calories.
Protein function
- Growing up, and maintenance or as a builder substance.
- Maintain muscle mass.
- The formation and regeneration of cells and tissues that are dead or damaged in the body.
- Protein is an important building block of bone, tendons, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
- Antibodies and enzymes that play a role in immunity are also formed from proteins.
- As an alternative source of energy.
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How to get enough protein intake in your daily diet?
Protein source in general there are two, namely animal protein that is protein derived from animal and vegetable protein or protein derived from plants.The best sources of protein are like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and whey. They have all the essential amino acids the body needs.
There are also some fairly high-protein plants, such as legumes, beans and quinoa.
Then what is our daily protein needs?
Along with fats and carbohydrates, protein is also a macronutrient, meaning that the body needs a relatively large amount. But unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore the body does not have a "reservoir" to pull the protein back in when the body needs a new supply. Then how much protein need to be consumed so that our food bugdet not membengak only from protein alone, because we still have other nutrients that must be met as well.
Everyone's daily protein requirement is different, and the amount is determined by age, size / body weight, activity level and more. Growing children and teenagers need more protein as the ideal growth requirement. People who have high activity levels, such as athletes and heavy workers, also require much higher protein intake.
Excess consuming Protein
In the short term will not affect anything, but if it happens in the long run will trigger a variety of problems, such as increasing the risk of obesity, kidney disorders, calcium deficiency, and affects that can be directly felt is the emergence of breath odor, commonly called "breath ammonia". But cases like this are very rare, given the source of protein is classified as food that is not cheap.
That need to be slightly straightened out, more protein does not equals more muscle , meaning consuming lots of protein is not the same as producing more muscle mass, karen muscles will only form when given the stimulus in the form of (exercise) load repeatedly.
Similar to the excess calories from other sources, the excess calories from protein will also be stored by the body into energy reserves in the form of fat tissue in the body.
But excess protein (in percentage of daily macronutrient requirement) is still better than excess from other sources such as carbohydrates and fats.
Lack of protein intake
Daily can cause various health problems, such as some of the following issues;- Growth problems
- Significant weight loss
- Depreciation of muscle mass
- Dehydration
- Hair loss
- Skin decreases his firmness
- Anemia
- And it can even affect emotional stability.
From a variety of information about fat, the first thing to be understood first is a diet fat that is different from fat cells in the body. Eating fat that is in the food is not directly converted into fat cells in the body.
Fat is one of the 3 nutrients (along with proteins and carbohydrates) that supply calories to the body. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, more than twice the amount given by carbohydrates or protein. Although the highest caloric content (in every gram) does not mean to be avoided, because fat also has many important benefits for the body. Fat helps the body absorb and move vitamins A, D, E, and K through the bloodstream or fat as a regulating agent.
Fat is essential for proper body work. Unsaturated fats, which are not made by the body and must be obtained from food. Fat as a specialist capacity for extra body calories, it fills the fat cells (fat tissue) that separate the body. Fat is also a vital source of vitality, when the body has spent calories from sugar.
Function of Fat
- As an energy source
- Plays a role in growth and development
- Helps absorption of nutrients
- Role in the production of many hormones in the body
- Saves protein, and gives you long satiety, besides that provide a savory taste in food.
- Controlling aggravation, blood coagulating, and mental health.
- Healthy skin and hair are guarded by fat
- (If consumed in the right amount and source)
Fat Source
Just like protein, fat sources are also grouped into two, animal and vegetable:Animal fats , contained in animal flesh including fish, skin, eggs, milk and derivative products such as cheese and yogurt.
Vegetable fat examples are found in plants such as nuts, seeds, and fats from fruits such as olives, coconuts, avocados.
There is no need to avoid fat in meat, chicken skin, fish skin, milk or egg yolk because the fat contained in these foods is very nutritious.
Amount of Recommended Fat intake
Recommended recommended fat intake is between 20-35% of the daily caloric requirement or 50-60 g of daily sekri, the amount of which can be spelled out a bit. It should not be difficult to meet the needs of fat intake from a healthy source.The effects of excess and lack of fat intake
Consuming too little dietary fat has the potential to interfere with body function, inhibit the absorption of nutrients, and difficulty in the regulation of appetite and reduce performance.
A large amount of calories in fat can easily lead to an excess of daily calorie intake, meaning it is one of the reasons for weight gain. The content of fat in foods varies greatly and the higher the fat content the greater the calories. But that does not mean having to feel afraid to consume fat, because fat including the macronutrients needed by the body and provide many benefits if consumed in the right amount and source.
Micronutrients are so called because they are needed by the body in small or small amounts. While Makronutrition is generally calculated in grams, micronutrients are generally calculated in milligrams (or less). Micronutrients, although needed by the body in small amounts, but have a very important role in the formation of hormones, enzyme activity and regulate the function of the immune system and the reproductive system, so the mandatory must still be met.
Which include micronutrients are Vitamins (both water soluble and fat soluble) and Minerals .
Vitamins are beneficial for brain performance, immune system, and help convert food into energy. Another important function is to regulate hormonal balance, maintaining healthy eyes, bones, skin and hair. Examples of vitamins needed by the body include: A, B, C, D, E and K.
Minerals needed the body for structural functions and regulators such as strengthening bones, producing red blood cells, regulating fluid balance, up to muscle cell contraction. Examples of minerals needed by the body include: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Selenium.
Intake of Micronutrients may vary because they are influenced by factors such as body composition, age, body condition, and diet program. And to meet the needs of makronutrisi way quite easily, micronutrients will be fulfilled if the food intake is quite good and balanced. It is rare for a person to lack vitamin when the food is good enough.
The excess of macronutrients is called Hyperavitaminosis, while deficiency or deficiency of certain vitamins is called Avitaminosis . Both deficiencies and excesses Micronutrients can be harmful to the body, although only the body needs in very small amounts, micronutrients are needed by the body.
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