Can Weight Loss Be Possible Through Hypnosis?
Many people have reported that it worked well for them and credited hypnosis with making them slim again. This lead others to wonder: "Is weight loss possible through hypnosis?" Over the course of this article we will try to answer this question and show you that not everything is as it seems.
Wrong food habits, stress, insufficient exercise and poor time management brings with it obesity. So it can be said that modern living styles have brought with it an increase to obesity, and practically one in every ten people is on the lookout for the perfect weight loss program. One of the many weight loss therapies available in the market today is hypnosis.
Hypnosis works by putting you in an open state of mind, where your brain is relaxed and therefore every open for new suggestions. The hypnotizer will therefore suggest things to your brain that your brain will recognize as valid and then save them. When you brought back to a normal state of mind, will not immediately know what you have just "learned" but you will be able to see the effect on your everyday life, for example when you make better food choices or are not as prone to cravings anymore. This is very useful if you are very prone to these kind of fallacies and often times find yourself destroying your diet due to these aspects.
Read Also : Normal Weight reduction Supplements for LadiesThis is because as a person ages, an increased body weight only leads to a large array of health problems that include diabetes, hypertension, stress and joint problems.
There are many people who don't believe that it is possible to lose weight with hypnosis as there is no use of any drug in this therapy. However it should be clear that hypnosis is indeed beneficial in losing weight and is a form of therapy where the individual does not have to think or use products that prove to be damaging to their health.
The most important thing to remember if you choose hypnosis for weight loss, you have to approach a professional who is well versed with hypnosis. This is because hypnosis is rather dangerous if it is not performed by trained people. It is only with a professional that you get the best possible results through hypnosis.
It is not possible to lose weight only with hypnosis; it is also necessary to follow a proper diet and exercise. Hypnosis is a technique that has to be used with adjuncts to lose weight. Moreover, a single session of hypnotherapy is not sufficient to lose weight. The number sessions depends on the individual and the extent of obesity. When having hypnotherapy, it is better to incorporate some psychotherapy in it too.
When you opt for hypnosis for losing weight, what actually happens is that your mind floats into a subliminal state. And when you are in the subliminal state, all the fears you have in yourself are washed out when you are fed positive messages in your mind. Once you are fed positive messages in your mind, all your fears on weight reduction are eliminated.
In other words, with hypnosis, the mind is taken to a level where it is free of any troubled thoughts related to weight loss. In addition, it provides the right initiation to tasks, exercises and diets that have to be started so that you finally work towards the right direction to lose weight. Remember that hypnosis is not a special therapy or something out of the blue; it is a therapy that harnesses your inner strength to help you in weight loss.
Hypnosis is great but it alone will not make you the slim or toned you that you want to be. Hypnosis is just another tool that will aid the two most important aspects when looking to improve your figure: Diet and exercise. Hypnosis will enable you to make better choices without constantly reminding yourself and it will help you to adhere to your plan better as it will greatly eliminate your brains desire for certain things, but if you chose to further follow a bad diet or not exercise regularly, you can just save the trip to the hypnotizer as it will be of no use to you.
So if you are a person who just can't seem to find the stimulation to started exercising and dieting; but are aware of all weight loss tips, then it proves better for you to join some hypnosis therapy and reach your ideal weight pretty soon.
The main subjects that you need to make sure you have planned out efficiently in order to lose weight are your diet and a proper exercise program. There is nothing in the world that can replace either one not even hypnosis. If anyone tells you differently: Turn around and sprint away from this person as fast as you can. This will burn more calories and will bring you closer to your goal then trying to come back from hypnosis and hoping to be 10 pounds lighter.
As you can see, hypnosis is just another tool in your repertoire that can aid in your diet efforts but is not guaranteed to help you lose weight immediately. Don't be blinded by the marketing scams out there that try to sell you very expensive hypnosis products or seminars just to fool you and leave you without results for your hard earned money. If you are still wondering: "Is weight loss possible through hypnosis?" The short answer to your question is: "Yes it is, but not to the extent that many people wish it to be." Now that you are smarter than 99% of the rest of dieters, go get the body of your dreams.
Is Weight Loss Through Hypnosis Something For Everyone?
If you are looking for a great way to lose the last 10 pounds, consider weight loss through hypnosis. How does it work?
Losing weight successfully requires a multi-pronged approach. Clearly modifications in what you eat are required. But in order to maintain that weight loss and keep it off without daily, agonizing struggles over food cravings, changes in the way you think about and react to food and stressors must be learned.
Sometimes it's hard to "convince" yourself that you shouldn't have that midnight snack. Thoughts like, "It's so tempting, it's so small, it's just a little taste of chocolate" all tempt you into relapsing into your old behaviors. If there were a way that you could tip the scales in your favor and make those thoughts vanish as quickly as they came into your head, would you try it?
Read Also : Keep away from Terrible Eating Routine Decisions to Get ThinnerWhen I learned about weight loss through hypnosis, I knew that this was something I could try. Some people are afraid that hypnosis involves a loss of control, but nothing could be further from the truth. Hypnosis involves letting yourself drop into a state of deep relaxation in which your mind is heightened to suggestions. In this state, you learn to de-couple your emotions from your eating behavior and gain insight into your eating triggers.
By listening to my first hypnosis MP3 that I downloaded every night before bed, it helped me to reinforce the thinking and behaviors that I knew would help me. After a week of this, the thoughts were much easier to bring to the surface and my behavior felt much more "Under control" than it did before.
Lose Weight With Hypnosis Easily, Naturally & Permanently For Anyone and It Works
Losing weight with hypnosis has been proven to be one of the best, easiest and absolutely the healthiest and safest while the most relaxing and least expensive ways to lose weight permanently. I've hypnotized thousands of people for more than 17 yrs and I haven't had anyone that wants to make this work for them fail when they actually try and do what they are suppose to do. There have been many independent studies on groups to lose weight in many different ways from drugs to exercise to special diets but none has worked as well as hypnosis.
When you understand hypnosis and know what to expect, you'll be successful in losing all the weight you want and need to lose, even if you don't believe it will work, it will work anyway. Hypnosis works if you want it to work.
Anyone can be hypnotized if they want to be. You will lose weight if you do desire to lose weight. The only thing that can keep you from being hypnotized is you, yourself. I have people tell me all the time, "I don't think I can be hypnotized." They are usually my best clients. They are usually people that have some big misconceptions about hypnosis and may have tried it but nothing magically happened so they gave up. They really want it to work but just didn't know how until they were educated better about hypnosis.
There are some basic facts about hypnosis you must realize to be a good subject. When you are hypnotized by someone with expertise, you will simply sit back and relax, close your eyes and listen to the hypnotherapist's voice to guide you. You can't do anything wrong, nothing can go wrong. There are no dangers in this type of hypnosis. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are always in control. You will never do or say anything without wanting to, wants, convictions or ethics, paying little mind to what a few people think. It resembles a mind exercise or mind diversion. You do not lose control of your mind. You are always in control.
You do not lose your hearing or any of your senses. Your senses actually become keener and you become more aware, not less. You will always hear me whether you think you do or not. You do all the work and all the work is in your mind. You don't have to say anything or do anything. The hypnotherapist is using their expertise to guide you in your mind, giving you directions but you don't have to follow them if you're not comfortable with any part of it. There isn't any feeling of being hypnotized. You will not feel hypnotized.
The only thing you will feel is kind of relaxed to very very relaxed. Some feel only slightly relaxed and listen to every word and remember it all while others become so very relaxed, they snore but no one will go to sleep unless you're home in bed for the night and you're tired anyway when you turn on your cd. It may feel like sleep sometimes but it is not sleep. All the work is in your mind so you do have to participate and to participate, you think about what the hypnotherapist is saying. It is simply a guided meditation and incredibly powerful.
With Hypnosis, you WILL reach your desired weight & figure. You will lose all the weight you want and need to lose, without the stress and mental battles of cravings, urges, over eating, stuffing yourself as you do when dieting. It is not a diet so you will not put the weight back on! You simply don't feel as hungry, while you'll crave the more nutritious, lower calorie, healthier foods. You will not desire the rich, fattening, greasy, high calorie, sweets, junk food and foods that are not good for you. You will not snack or eat between meals or late at night. You will eat what your body needs and when you are satisfied, you are completely satisfied.
You will not lose weight so fast it could harm your health. You will concentrate on your coveted shape and size and achieve that coveted size effortlessly and without push and keep up that size for whatever length of time that you need.
You will desire to drink more water and be satisfied from one meal to the next. You'll lose weight without trying! Your eating habits can change drastically, immediately or it may be gradually over time. Some people can be hypnotized one time and their eating habits change forever and others need reinforcement of being hypnotized. I've known many people that have lost weight with hypnosis when they couldn't lose it any other way and they keep it off. I too, was one of these people. I struggled with diets for so many years trying to lose weight and keep it off but as soon as I went off the diet, the weight came back on and then some.
The mental anguish of my weight going up and down and never knowing what size I'd be wearing next month kept me in somewhat of a state of depression. My favorite and most common breakfast was a bag of potato chips and a Pepsi on the way to work, topped off with a handful of M&M's, then I was hypnotized about 18 years ago and have not been on any kind of diet since.
You use your sub-conscious mind, now more commonly known as the higher self, higher consciousness or super-consciousness. It never rests anymore than the heart does. This is where all the power lies. You will learn to harness that power within with a guided meditation and that is all it is, a guided meditation and very powerful. It is best to have your hypnosis on a cd so you can listen to it 21 to 28 days, as reinforcement. Some experts say you need to listen to the hypnosis cd for 21 days to change your habits for a lifetime while others say it takes 28 days.
Nevertheless, 21 or 28, most people continue to listen to their cd for many reasons as there are so many advantages to continue listening to your cd whether it is for weight loss or other. When you are hypnotized, it is a mind exercise and you will soon find your memory improves. Your stress level will go down; you'll sleep better and feel happier and healthier all the time. You will feel a new and vital energy that flows through your body and mind each day you awaken from a good night's rest with a more positive attitude. You will be more motivated than ever to exercise, to take the time to be active each day.
Well, in my hypnosis anyway, you will benefit all of these things, while losing weight.
Good hypnotherapy will always leave you feeling good, no matter what you're hypnotized for.
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