
Do Not Know The Frenzy of Japanese Banana Diet, Please Continue Reading


Many fruits that can be used as ingredients for the diet, so it has the benefits to lose weight, in addition to having good fiber and can hold longer, in fact has been in research about the benefits of this pisat for diet.

Probably most of you are pretty dizzy by doing this diet, there are many ways out there about the benefits of fruits, but this time the author wants to share how to do diet by eating protein.

How to diet by eating bananas is quite fun, because the banana is delicious for consumption and has many benefits, especially for dietary needs.

Before going at length about how to do this banana diet, you should consider research on bananas that have the benefits to lose weight.

In 2008 and then a 31-year-old Japanese named Hitoshi watanabe successfully apply this banana diet by losing weight about 18 kilo grams permanently. With his success in applying this banana diet to his wife named sumiko watanabe and after that he published his diet to the internet, and after that the news spread and became popular in the country japan. At that time the stock of bananas in Japan to be thinning, along with the bestselling book titled morning banana diet that sold about 50000 eksemplare.

Maybe some of you are wondering! how to apply this banana diet?

Here is a watanabe-style diet that is buming and the rules that are in use to apply in your diet process.
  1. In every morning at breakfast cultivated make bananas into a main breakfast can 1 banana or can also up to 4 bananas.At lunchtime consume banana and mix it with small serving salad
  2. Drink warm water nails when thirsty and wherever.
  3. You are allowed to consume bananas at night.
  4. Sleep before noon

Study About Morning Banana Diet Books About Banana Diets

Dietetic associates say people who are on the diet process tend to eat a lot, and this is a serious problem, especially in a diet that allows them to "eat all kinds of food. Diet that is run by dieters of the morning banana diet itself found a lot of irregularities about applying between lunch and dinner.

Apart from the banana diet itself in fact from the banana itself has a good benefit if the consumption every day, because it has a good fiber content, seprti soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Fiber contained in this banana can withstand hunger longer and so can suppress the intake of calories in the body.

In addition, the fiber contained in the banana is classified as a fiber resistant starch, which has benefits for fermentation in the digestive tract, a kind of short chain fatty acids. Its aliasing benefit is that it can accumulate fat in the long term and can increase the oxidation of fat in the body.

Things to Avoid From the Morning Diet Banana Diet
If you want to apply this banana diet, you should avoid the things that you should not do this
  1. Avoid drinking cold water or ice water
  2. Reduce to consume rice or instant noodles and other carbohydrate foods.
  3. Avoid food that berminya or food in other gorena
  4. Should be the consumption of bananas in a day as much as 5 pieces (morning 2, noon 2 and evening 1)
  5. Do not stay awake or sleep too late

Thus this article we provide for you who want to apply a banana diet like watanabe this, hopefully the ideal body weight you want achieved.

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