
Easy Tips to Overcome Fever Seizures In Children

When children are sick, feelings of anxiety and panic will immediately appear for every parent. Especially if the temperature rises and a fever children, especially if the fever accompanied by seizures. Seizures Fever generally occurs in some children from 3 months to 6 years of age, especially if parents have a history of febrile seizures as a child.


Febrile seizures in children are a condition in which seizures are thought to be caused by a drastic increase in the infant or child's body temperature, which is generally caused by infection and is a brain-specific response to a fever that usually occurs on the first day of fever. Seizures in children need to get a deep attention because seizures can occur repeatedly and harm.

If children too often experience febrile seizures, it is feared could damage brain cells in children. For that, it is important to understand how to resolve home febrile seizures properly because proper handling at the beginning of the event will provide good results for the health of the child.

Symptoms of Children with Febrile Cramps

In general, infants or children with febrile seizures will experience the following conditions:

  • High fever
  • Awareness and perspiration are gone
  • Sometimes foam comes out of his mouth or vomits
  • Seizures and accomplices are sometimes accompanied by bulging eyes
  • After the seizure subsides, she will look sleepy and sleepy.

Based on the duration of seizures and how often, febrile seizures are differentiated into:

1. Seizures of Light Fever

It is a febrile seizure that occurs all over the body with a seizure duration of few seconds to less than 10 minutes and does not occur again within 24 hours.

2. Complex Fever Seizures

Cruel fever that occurs in one part of the body with a duration of seizures more than 10 minutes and can occur more than 1 time in 24 hours.

Here are some tips that have been shown to be effective in treating a child who has a febrile seizure:

  • Panic is the first thing that parents will experience when they see their child experience a seizure. However, the panic does not make things better. So be calm yourself.
  • Do not hold back your child's spasms. But place it on a safe surface like on a carpet on the floor and ease its wear
  • In order to avoid choking, immediately release if there is something in his mouth when the child is seizures. Do not put any medication in the mouth when the child has a seizure.
  • If the child is in the supine position, tilt the child's body to one side.
  • If present, give medications to relieve seizures for first aid. These drugs are usually inserted into the rectum. If your child has previous seizures, consult your doctor to relieve seizures and always prepare supplies at home.
  • Take it to a health care facility such as a clinic or hospital for immediate treatment.

For the diagnosis of the cause of febrile seizures suffered by children, doctors will usually perform several checks as follows.

  • Urine test
  • Blood test
  • Examination of the lumbar spine (lumbar puncture) to find out whether there is a central nervous system infection such as meningitis.

Those are some easy tips to overcome febrile seizures in children. The cause of febrile seizures is actually still unknown. But in most cases, febrile seizures are closely related to high fever due to flu virus infection, ear infection, chickenpox, or tonsillitis (tonsillitis). A febrile seizure can also be an early sign of a more serious illness such as meningitis.

For that, immediately consult your child to the doctor if a febrile seizure, although only lasts a few seconds.

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